Used in all open cooling systems
Measurement of conductivity as a measure of the dissolved salts in the water
Control of a desalination motorised ball valve for the separation of circuit water and replacement with fresh water for constant conductivity
Addition of hardness stabilisers/corrosion inhibitors in proportion to quantity in order to work with as high a thickening as possible
Time-controlled addition of biocide to prevent algae formation etc.
Locking function to prevent uncontrolled separation of dosing agent
Use of approved dosing agents; repurchase possible from MULTI Kühlsysteme (consumables)
- Delivery as a complete, ready-to-operate plant in wall-mounted design with its own electronic control system (only the contact water meter has to be installed on site)
- It is also possible to install the complete system in a control cabinet housing for weather-protected outdoor installation (necessary measures for frost protection must be coordinated)
Water is a vital part of the entire cooling system as a cooling medium in cooling water circuits. The available input qualities, requirements based on the type of cooling system and the operating conditions can differ greatly.
The system design (type of circuit, materials used) and the operating parameters (temperatures, pressures), the necessary components of an effective water treatment system must be determined based on an analysis of the ingredients of the available water.
Water treatment includes the control and treatment of make-up water and recirculated water. Essential parameters are pH value, carbonate and total hardness, electrical conductivity, and the number of colony-forming units (cfu).