Cooling water hygiene according to 42. BImSchV:
Since 2017, operators of evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers, and wet separators have been subject to the provisions of the 42. Federal Immission Control Ordinance (42. BImSchV).
They include:
- Preparation of a risk assessment according to the 42. BImSchV & VDI 2047-2*
- Quarterly laboratory tests by an accredited laboratory*
- Keeping of an operations log*
- 14-day in-house hygiene checks
- Official notification at
- Logging the (re)commissioning*
- Official inspection of the plant
We can offer you the listed services* to ensure hygienically safe and flawless operation of your evaporative cooling systems, cooling towers, and wet separators with our expertise and experience from about 25 years of cooling tower and cooling system construction